Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Slice of life hashtag two

The trees swaying in the wind, the park on the horizon, the beautiful lake, the light blue cloudless day. Everything is making up something so magnificent that if anything were to be taken away, its beauty would be lost. My Dad is standing halfway into the still lake with his fishing rod and the line casted out to beyond what I can see. Im by the fire and the tents watching through the tree line. My feet under the squishy sand. My Brother has gone to who knows were looking for a perfectly spherical rock. My Mom by the fire cooking the big salmon for tonight's meal. Suddenly I see a struggle casting my vision back on my Dad. He got one! He pulls and pushes and falls in the water, getting back out, determined, but the fish gets away, he curses and starts to put the next worm on, as I just lie down and smile.

1 comment:

  1. The detail was great. It was almost as if I was there. I also like the ending, except my dad would be the one smiling.
